Wednesday, September 14, 2011

19 months

Dear Scarlett Ray,

Happy 19 month birthday!  You are closer to 2 than 1 now, and it shows.  You're too big to sleep stretched sideways in your crib.  Sometimes when we come to check on you at night, your legs are hanging between the bars or are straight up against the side.  Every night, I'm amazed at how much you've grown, compared to the tiny baby who once slept in that crib.

You've been going to bed later, which has been more fun for me because I get to spend more time with you after work.  Bath time is usually around 7:15 or 7:30 and we try to get you into bed by 8.  And, a miracle if I ever saw one, you've been SLEEPING IN.  Sometimes until SEVEN A.M.!!!  Yesterday morning I left for work at 7:10 and you were still asleep.

Your Daddy and I counted and you say upwards of 100 words.  Names, animals, body parts, food.  You say 'hold on' and 'come on' and 'wash up'.  You love to buckle yourself into the high chair or car seat, and to play with the buckles on your diaper bag.  Sometimes you get so excited about something (usually a popsicle, or going outside) that you squeeze your hands into fists and stand on your tippie toes and squeal "POPSICLE!!!" or "OUSSIDE!!"

Your favorite books are all Dr. Seuss, and we read them at bedtime: Green Eggs and Ham ("HAM!!"), The Cat in the Hat ("HAT!!!") and my personal favorite, Ten Apples Up On Top ("APPLES!").  For a long stretch, you only wanted The Runaway Bunny, and On the Night You Were Born.  And because I have those books memorized, I would say them over and over to you, while you fell asleep.  Sometimes I'd get close to the end and you'd murmur 'bone' which means 'Born', and I would read it again.

This month, I spent my first full day away from you.  I was sad, because it was unintentional.  I've held you and kissed you and told you I loved you every day of your entire life. And then during Hood to Coast, the traffic was too bad and we left the beach too late, that you were asleep once I got home.  You didn't seem any worse for the wear, but I was.  I'm so, so glad that I get to be your mama and I want to tell you that every day.

Blanket rides with Lucy at the park

Taking Baby for a walk

Learning about lipstick with Auntie Lauren
Love, Mama

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