Monday, July 13, 2015

Wild West Party

Charlie and I have a history of showing up to theme parties...and Halloween... without costumes.  The idea of dressing up and putting together all the right duds is something that feels so complicated to me, I've always assumed I'm lacking the creative juice.  So this happened again with the Tombleson Wild Wild West party, but this was no big deal because they gave us mustaches and bandanas and sheriff badges.  Scarlett learned to play horseshoes, and I beat Charlie at darts.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

The game of Life

Yesterday, Hope taught Scarlett, Esther and our little friend Leo how to play Life.  I was working at the kitchen table. They were in the living room.  Scarlett was yelling "I want to career!  I want to career!" and Esther, "Hope, when can I have a bayyybeee?".  Leo was watching, but mostly silent.

This morning, Scarlett and Charlie were playing Life.  "Mama!  Something bad has happened.  Daddy will not get children" (her voice was understandably sad at the end of that sentence.)  We all agreed that no children is indeed very sad for poor Charlie.