Thursday, December 13, 2012

What else she says

Backstory: Scarlett is a library book hoarder.  Charlie is trying to convince her to return some.

Charlie: "Okay, let's return 3 books."
Scarlett: "How about this, we return two."

Backstory: I'm trying to hurry Scarlett to bed, because we have friends coming over for dessert.

Me: "It's time for bed, let's be done with that."
Scarlett: "Just a minute Mama, I'm doing something!"

Backstory: I have a bandaid on my thumb, which Scarlett really really wants me to remove.  When I do:

Scarlett: Your thumb is sticky. I like this sticky thumb. 


  1. She's hilarious and also beautiful!!! I can't believe how old she looks now. Also, nice shirt Dad. Max can't wait to be twins.

  2. haha so funny! Jon is the same way. If you have any tips on how I can get Jon to return some of the stuff he has from the library please let me know!
