Saturday, May 14, 2011

15 months

Dear Scarlett,

A few months ago, your Grandma Diane told me that 15 months was her favorite age when Charlie and Sally were young.  I can understand why.  At 15 months you are a confident, happy, lively toddler.  You are very affectionate, always giving kisses to mom and dad, even new people you meet, dogs you see on the street, and your stuffed animals.

This month you:

  • Started pretending to sleep on the floor.  Even on the sidewalk sometimes, when we're playing with the neighbor kids.  You just lay your head down, and smile.
  • Could make dog, horse and sheep sounds
  • Loved playing with baby dolls.  Oh, how you love your doll!  You refused to let go of her when we tried to take some family pictures on Easter so the baby is in all those pictures now.  Part of our family.
  • Started doing Cheers with your cup
  • Grew out of most your 12 month pajamas
  • Said 'ya' all the time.  Ya ya.  Sometimes you answer questions with 'hummmmm' but mostly, it's 'ya'  Your voice is high and sweet.

I love you Scarlett Ray!

1 comment:

  1. I have been telling EVERYONE who will listen about how sweet she is saying Ya? Mama ya? Smooch on her for me and talk about Auntie Lolo. :)
