Monday, August 26, 2013


On Scarlett's first day of preschool, this is all the info we were able to squeeze out of her:

Played on:
Jungle gym

2 apple slices
2 crackers
1 piece of cheese

Teacher had a blue dress with an orange scarf
Sat on the blue rug, sang the itsy bitsy spider
She used the potty once, pee only

When we picked her up after two long hours, the teacher gave us a thumbs up and said, we had a great morning.   Charlie and I went out to breakfast, even though we just wanted to stand outside the school and peek in the windows.


  1. That sounds like a pretty thorough accounting of the two hours! Last year whenever we'd ask Lucy what she did at preschool, she'd only say "I cried and I cried and I cried."

  2. Last year I was in the 3 year old classroom. When Mom or Dad would show up and ask about their day the child would almost alway mention the smallest seemingly insignificant details of the day. Not the super awesome craft they made or the rad new game Ms. DeAnna taught them, more of "I got mulch in my shoe on the play ground".

    She is going to do amazing and I can't wait to hear more stories about school!
