Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Things about lately

Lately, Scarlett's favorite thing to do in the bathtub is put things on her feet.  Things that do not belong on feet.  She tries to shove her foot into yogurt containers with so much fervor that she sometimes falls backwards.  She tries to pull rings over her feet.  She leans over and drinks the bath water, or blows bubbles in it, and laughs.  I need to record the sound of her laugh, because it's the most perfect noise.

Now that she has mastered the art of walking, she is getting curious about things she sees when she walks around the block.  She likes to touch others people's cars, parked innocently in their driveways.  She goes for the dangerous stuff- rose bushes with prickly stems- whenever they're in reach.  She recognizes her friend Anders' house and heads up his walk every time we pass by.

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