Friday, September 10, 2010

Welcome to our blog. Would you like some pie?

When Scarlett was one week old, my friend Heather came to visit from Bend.  She's a very experienced parent of three perfect-looking little blond girls, and because of this, I trusted her when she said that parenthood is laden with guilt.  As in, "Here's your child: she's beautiful, healthy and noisy.  And here, along with, is a huge slice of guilt.  Take this everywhere you go from now until she's grown and has kids of her own; and even then, you will revisit this piece of guilt-pie. Often."

And so, in the spirit of honesty and to celebrate the beginning of a blog, here is a short list of things I've felt guilty about recently:
  • Not starting a blog for Scarlett earlier in her life.  Not documenting every awesome thing she has done so far.  
  • Not washing her hair more often.
  • The fact that she is crying.  Ever.  For any reason, even a legit one.
  • The vaccination shot she received yesterday in her chubby little leg.
  • Working outside the home, being away from my baby.  This has been the biggest guilt-maker of my lifetime.

You get the point.  I'm mentioning this because I've wanted to start a blog for Scarlett for months, but every time I went to start writing, I thought about all the milestones I've missed, and how I should have started earlier, and I'd get so bummed about it that I'd shut the computer and eat ice cream instead.  But, there's no ice cream here tonight and also no guilt pie.  And so:

Welcome to our blog!  Lots of pictures of Scarlett to come.
Scarlett, August 2010


  1. And I'm back. I read this this morning, and it reminded me of your post:

  2. You mean this part: "The elephants will resent me. I'll ruin them. They'll grow up remembering how I let them down." Because yeah, I feel that.
