(I wrote most of this in December and never posted it)
Scarlett asked me what she got for Christmas when she was two. I couldn't remember, and I looked at this blog but there's only vague reference to frog things. Here is what you got for Christmas when you were five, young lady, if you are reading this when you're older: A giant copy of Grimm's Fair Tails, Quirkle (my new favorite game), Zeus of the Loose (which you played at Lucy's and loved, thanks Amber!), and a huge stack of books. Book stack included more Series of Unfortunate Event books, and some Sisters Grimm (thanks Amber, for this idea also), and others I can't remember but which aren't as exciting as those. Candy and sugary vitamins in your stocking. A black polka-dotted dress daddy found. Other things I cannot remember but, I think that's a pretty sizable selection, and mostly you were just excited about the candy. Daddy got a rubick's cube.
We had Christmas at our house, with all our local family and it was lovely. We set up games in the back room. There was a buche de noel! And chocolate mousse.
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