Thursday, November 14, 2013

Three and three-quarters

My dear Scarlett,

You are growing up so quickly and lately, I've wanted to capture this in a blog post but I don't know what to say.  You are tall.  Your hair is long.  You talk like a teenager.  You call dad and I "guys" and you like to say "I knowwwww" whenever I remind you to use two hands, or to hold something carefully, or whatever.  You know everything already, at age (as you like to say) 'three and three-quarters'.

Last night when I put you to bed, we had yet another play-fight about who loves who more.  I tell you always that I love you more, then you tell me in a funny voice that you love me more, then I tell you in an even funnier voice that I love you more, etc etc.  You are impossibly affectionate, putting your face right up close next to mine while we talk.

Daddy built you a loft bed, a 'big kid bed' a month or two ago, which you love and happily curl up in every night.  Your bedtime is now 7:30, but should probably be 7 because you're so exhausted by then.  I couldn't bear to lose that extra half-hour with you, though.  Thanks for toughing it out.

Yesterday we went to an open house at your school and you showed us what you do all day, and you didn't want to leave.  You held my hand and walked me around the classroom.  You do a work (I'm sorry, I mistakenly called it a game) where you put colored tiles all over the classroom and then go back, trying to remember where they are.  You like sink scrubbing, object scrubbing, and wood polishing.  This weekend, I put you to work washing the baseboards, which you did happily with a spray bottle and some q-tips.

At mealtimes, you always suggest 'switcheroo evening' which means the grown-ups eat on kid plates, and the kid eats on a grown-up plate, or we all eat on kid plates.  You like drinking out of tall glass cups, like us, and using big utensils even though the spoons barely fit in your mouth.

Here you are with Esther, practicing your biggest school pictures smiles:

I love you the most!

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