Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Birthday Eve

Today, on my birthday eve, Scarlett has promised me the following birthday presents.

A hug
A kiss
to paint a picture of a frog
to paint a picture of a rainbow
to paint a picture of a whale
Sing happy birthday to you
Sing the frog song

The frog song is new, it's to the tune of 'I'm a little teapot' and the opening line varies.

"I'm a little froggy cute and green"
"I'm a little froggy cute and cute"
"I'm a little froggy froggy froggy"

Sometimes she will sing more, about living in a house that's clean (clearly, this isn't a real-life song), or about kissing, or about being green green green.

What I really want for my birthday, is to be happy about the election results.  Last night we talked to Scarlett about election day, which I always have fond memories of because it reminds me of my birthday.  And we told her excitedly "One of the candidates is Barack Obama!  He has two little girls!!" And then, in a much more monotone voice "The other man is Mitt Romney."  The brainwashing seems to have worked, because this morning she was excited about Obama's picture in the paper, and she wore my Obama shirt around the house for a little bit. 

If the election goes south, at least there will be sushi and a frog song. 

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