Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Potties and other fun things

In a Frog & Toad story, there is a picture where Toad is sitting on the side of his bed with his legs dangling over the edge.

Scar: "When I have a big girl bed, I can sit like that."
Mom, agrees
Scar: "Toad has a big toad bed."

She has said this to me twice now.

The big news in our household is that Scarlett is officially daytime potty trained.  She doesn't wear a diaper on outings or during her naps anymore, which was a big step. We officially put away the cloth diapers about a month ago, and we had some accidents in the undies but those seem to have tapered off.  She's still wearing a diaper at night, but I told her that once the Elmo diapers run out, we're not buying any more.  She's been asking about a big girl bed so I made her a deal: we'll talk big girl bed once you're a big girl who doesn't need a diaper at night.  She also wants a giant bath duck, like Lucy and Ella both have, and I think that's a pretty solid gift.

The good: no more diaper laundry!
The bad: She wants to use every potty, in every store and restaurant, sometimes twice.  Sometimes three times.  It's exhausting, but it's a good kind of exhausting. She gets her little hands all over everything in the public bathrooms, and she's excited to point at the fan and the hand dryer.  I taught her to push the flush with her foot, which she likes. 

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