Monday, February 13, 2012

On Her Birthday Eve

We went to the indoor toddler park at the community center.  She and Esther climbed in and out of 50 different plastic kid cars, wagons, and tricycles.  We had a really long trip to the park.  We ate leftover birthday party food.  She capped the day with a bath in special blue water and some reading of her new books.  Tomorrow morning, she wakes up to a wagon filled with teddy bears and new books.  Here she is after her last bath as a less than two.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday to you Scarlett! I still remember the night you were born, I was awake with insomnia and got Emily's text. It made me feel better and I went to sleep. It's been a joy watching you grow up to 2 whole years, both in pictures here and in person when I visit town. I look forward to the next time I'll see you in person (and I will probably have a present for you, Little Lady). I love you and your family!
