Thursday, July 14, 2011

17 months

Dearest Scarlett,

Today is your 17-month birthday.  I think I can stop measuring your age by months, and just say that you're one year and a half. 

Today is also Uncle Tom's birthday!  Happy!  We are practicing saying 'birthday', for when you see him tonight.

This month was brought to you by the Learning Tower- perhaps the best toddler item we've found so far.  It puts you at counter-level with us, so we can cook together.  Mostly though, you love climbing in and out.  The first day at our house, you loved standing in it so much, your dad was able to bake fresh bread and make cookies.  That was a VERY happy day for Mama.

Your Grandparents came to visit from Chicago.  You especially loved your Grandpa Chuck.  One day after they'd left, you stood in the guest room pointing at the bed and saying 'grandpa, grandpa' which sounds like 'papa' or 'pampa' to me. They took you to the beach where it looks, from the photos, like you had an absolute blast.

They also took you to Multnomah Falls, and you went on walks with Grandpa and held his hand.

Other exciting things about your month:
  • We celebrated Cousin Esther's first birthday!
  • You've started taking just one long mid-day nap instead of two.  Yesterday, you slept for 3 hours.
  • You're saying so many words, I can't remember them all.  A short list: Nice, ready, basil, stroller, smoothie, phone. 
  • We put the bottles away, and you went on a temporary milk strike.  You're still opposed to drinking milk from the sippy cup but using a straw or regular cup is working okay.
  • You love feeding your toes.  We spoon food to them, and you giggle, and my heart melts.

I am so proud of you!  And of us, as a family, that we fit together so well. 
Love, your Mama

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